My 2015 Word of the Year

So all over pinterest and facebook lately has been this common trend of picking a word for the new year. Instead of a resolution you pick a word and focus on it and how it can impact your life. So I thought and thought about that whole trend and went back and forth on whether or not to pick a word.

At first, nothing came to mind! So it wasn't too caught up on the whole thing. But the more I saw blogger's post about their words and this word and that word, the more a specific word kept popping into my head. So during all the 2015 my word of the year is...


grow more in love
grow closer to my kids
grow deeper friendships
grow my savings
grow stronger
grow smarter
grow more experiences
grow my photo albums
grow experiences
grow a garden
grow new ideas
grow my blog
grow to love my home more
grow to be better
grow kinder
grow happier

the list goes on and on!

All of these quotes were found at I pinned them to my 2015 board, check them out and more here.

Did you pick a word for 2015? Did you make and resolutions for the new year? Share with me!!
