Cheap and Easy Indoor Fun

Saw a pin on pinterest the other day and decided to actually do more than just pin it!

Had my son find our few random sheets of poster board we had stored in a closet and some scissors. We drew some circles, cut some holes and hung it up. We didn't even take the time to make it look pretty! Then he got to work folding paper airplanes!

We put a value next to all the holes and have had lots of competitions of various sorts.

It took about 10 minutes to to find the board and cut the circles and we had planes ready to fly as soon as I hung it up (used painter's tape so I wouldn't ruin the wall). But it's keep the kids entertained for hours! Seriously! Who knew? We even took it down and they asked for it to get hung back up today. What cheap and easy summer activities have you done this year? 

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